Past Grants

Grants 2022

Addis Clinic
Nashville, TN
$30,000 to improve maternal and child health outcomes in Somalia with a regional telehealth system.

Bangalore, India
$39,000 to help formally integrate biodiversity conservation into India’s development process and improve the national infrastructure for conservation science.

Agro-Shrub Alliance
Columbus, OH
$12,000 to develop a network of Senegalese farms that demonstrate shrub intercropping.

Amazon Watch
Oakland, CA
$30,000 to support the land claims of indigenous communities in Peru and Ecuador and protect the rainforest from oil drilling.

Bank Information Center
Washington, D.C.
$30,000 to help communities in Latin America develops the legal expertise to guard against potential environmental threats of Chinese infrastructure projects.

Cambodian Rural Development Team
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
$29,500 to improve the quality of water entering the Anlung Pring Protected Landscape in Cambodia by helping farmers reduce their use of agrochemicals in rice production.

Vancouver, Canada
$25,000 to protect ecosystems from paper and pulp companies in Indonesia. In collaboration with Kelompok Studi dan Pengembangan Prakarsa Masyarakat.

Care 2 Communities
Boston, MA
$25,000 to reduce unwanted pregnancies among young women and girls in Northern Haiti.

Centre for Wildlife Studies
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
$22,728 to expand public health and safety awareness of disease transmission between people, livestock, and wild animals.

Centro de Estudios de Politicas Ambientales
Buenos Aires, Argentina
$14,400 to develop a seafood traceability policy in Argentina that reduces illegal fishing.

Centro de Estudos e Promoção da Agricultura de Grupo (CEPAGRO)
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina – Brasil
$30,000 to develop a network of cover crop demonstration farms and a participatory organic produce certification system in Southern, Brazil.

Centro de Investigaciones Para La Transformación
Buenos Aires, Argentina
$30,000 to pilot a collaborative, open-source seed breeding initiative with three farmer networks in Argentina.

Common Ground for Africa
Kitale, Kenya
$23,350 to support bio-intensive mini-farming training program serving 80 villages in Western Kenya.

Concern America
Santa Ana, CA
$60,000 to replicate a health promotor training program in Chiapas, Mexico.

Corporate Accountability f/b/o Corporate Accountability and Public Participation
Lagos, Nigeria
$30,000 to expand a water rights advocacy coalition that fights water privatization in Africa. In collaboration with Corporate Accountability.

Corporation Center of Excellence in Marine Sciences
Bogotá, Colombia
$25,632 to test the use of underwater photogrammetry as a way of engaging local communities in marine conservation, in the Archipelago of the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina, Colombia.

Development in Gardening
Atlanta, GA
$19,898 to help Batwa communities in Uganda integrate traditional forest foods into their gardening practices and foodways.

Developing Radio Partners
Washington, D.C.
$60,000 for two-years to promote family planning reproductive health through youth-led radio and community outreach campaigns in Malawi. In Collaboration with Mzati Community Radio and Voice of Livingstonia Radio.

Washington, D.C.
$25,000 to help grassroots environmental organizations in the Mekong Delta improve their advocacy campaigns.

Eco-Health Alliance
New York, NY
$30,000 to train the government of Bangladesh how to detect and respond to emerging infectious disease outbreaks.

Ecology Action of the Midpeninsula f/b/o ECOPOL
Willits, CA
$25,000 to spread biointensive farming in Mexico.

Ecumenical Project for International Cooperation, Inc.
Allenspark, CO
$15,000 for field studies of an upland rice varietal in Guatemala that is drought resistant and hurricane tolerant. In collaboration with la Semilla del Progresso.

Fiscalía del Medio Ambiente
Santiago, Chile
$30,000 to help communities in Chile challenge environmentally destructive industries.

Forest Conservation Fund
Geneva, Switzerland
$34,000 to train organizations in Kalimantan, Indonesia how to use software and analysis tools to protect conservation areas.

Global Seed Savers
Denver, CO
$30,000 to promote seed saving among small farmers and develop a seed savers network in Benguet and Cebu provinces in the Philippines.

Barcelona, Spain
$40,000 to help a network of grassroots organizations prevent the expansion of oil palm plantations in Central and West Africa.

Gunung Palung Orangutan Conservation Program
Lexington, MA
$35,000 to protect orangutans in Indonesia through research, monitoring, and community-led conservation projects.

Hesperian Health Guides
Berkeley, CA
$25,500 to test a phone app that supports reproductive health education and family planning in Rwanda. In collaboration with the Health Development Initiative, the Rwanda Women’s Network, the Rwanda Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and Medical Students for Choice.

Instituto de Estudios Ecologistas de Tercer Mundo
Quito, Ecuador
$33,402 to help communities protect their rights to water in Ecuador with new water monitoring techniques, accountability mechanisms, and advocacy strategies.

International Rivers Network
Berkeley, CA
$35,000 to help grassroots environmental organizations in Africa fight the threats of dams.

Leprosy Mission
Kinshasa, D.R. Congo
$21,772 to eliminate skin diseases in the Democratic Republic of Congo with a screening, education, and treatment campaign in disease hot-spots and compare it to a detection only program.

Belize City, Belize
$28,235 to train fishers and community members how to monitor endangered fish populations that benefit from the new national gillnet ban.

Mil Milagros
Somerville, MA
$20,000 to support a health and family planning initiative in rural Maya communities in Guatemala. In collaboration with WINGS and Wuqu Kawok.

National University of Mongolia
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
$25,010 to document ecosystem changes due to climate change and overgrazing in the grassland region of Hovsgol, Mongolia.

Occupational Knowledge International
$25,400 to reduce community lead, mercury, and dust exposure by changing mining practices in Cameroon. In collaboration with CREPD.

One Health
$13,627 to map the distribution of snail fever in Southwest Nigeria, identify animal/human risk factors, and make recommendations.

Berkeley, CA
$25,000 to promote reproductive health for girls in Guatemala through 1,000 Safe Space clubs. In collaboration with CEPROSAF, School of Public Health, University of California-Berkeley and Centre for Girls Education.

Pacific Environment
San Francisco, CA
$25,000 to help a network of grassroots Chinese environmental advocacy organizations reduce trash and plastic pollution in the Yangtze river.

Partners in Agriculture
Greenville, SC
$30,000 to support smallholder farming among women in Haiti’s Central Plateau.

Saving Mothers
New York, NY
$30,000 to train nurses how place intrauterine devices and provide family planning services in West Pokot, Kenya.

Ottawa, Canada
$25,000 to start four seed banking systems in Timor Leste. In collaboration with RAEBIA Timor Leste and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. In collaboration with INRAN-Niger, University of Lome-Togo and INRAB-Benin.

SEED Madagascar
London, UK
$24,998 to protect lemurs by creating habitat corridors in the Ste Luce Littoral Forest of Anosy, Madagascar.

Semilla Nueva
Boise, ID
$30,000 to reduce rates of chronic malnutrition in Guatemala by producing, promoting, and selling biofortified corn seeds.

TIP Global Health
Aptos, CA
$25,000 to increase female decision-making power and encourage men to be champions of family health in 30 Rwandan villages with digital family health progress reports.

Sena Institute of Technology Foundation
Boston, MA
$25,000 to develop a Ghanaian crop database and biospecimen repository to help conserve medicinal and food plants.

Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs for the Environmental Paper Network
Calabasas, CA
$75,000 to support advocacy campaigns in Asia that reduce the demand for unsustainably harvested pulp and paper threatening Indonesian rainforests.

Sumatran Orangutan Society
Abingdon, UK
$30,000 to test satellite monitoring technology that will help Yayasan Orangutan Sumatra Lestari respond to threats of deforestation in the Leuser rainforest of Sumatra, Indonesia.

Unlocking Communities
Chicago, IL
$30,000 to make and sell household 100,000 water filters in Haiti by 2024.

University of Maryland
College Park, MD
$20,000 to study contamination of rainwater harvesting ponds in Nepal and set up a monitoring and treatment system. In collaboration with Sanskriti Farms and Research Center and Kathmandu University.

Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Quito, Ecuador
$26,920 to study how light affects the growing cycle of quinoa and evaluate its tolerance to salinity in soils.

University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
Burlington, VT
$30,000 to study sustainable biocontrol for greenhouse vegetables in Lebanon.

University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY
$29,843 to develop sustainable bamboo forestry standards in Ecuador and create a stewardship network.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, VA
$19,000 to study if deforestation increases mosquito-borne diseases in Guatemala. In collaboration with the Wildlife Conservation Society and Universidad de San Carlos.

Bad Soden, Germany
$19,000 to develop a system to map and monitor soil salinity and test soil salinity mitigation strategies with local produce farmers in Mozambique

Grants 2021

Agro-Shrub Alliance
Columbus, OH
$12,000 to develop a network of Senegalese farms that demonstrate shrub intercropping.

Bangalore, India
$39,000 to help formally integrate biodiversity conservation into India’s development process and improve the national infrastructure for conservation science.

Bank Information Center
Washington, D.C.
$30,000 to help communities in Latin America develops the legal expertise to guard against potential environmental threats of Chinese infrastructure projects.

Centro de Estudios de Politicas Ambientales
Buenos Aires, Argentina
$14,400 to develop a seafood traceability policy in Argentina that reduces illegal fishing.

Centro de Investigaciones Para La Transformación
Buenos Aires, Argentina
$30,000 to pilot a collaborative, open-source seed breeding initiative with three farmer networks in Argentina.

Concern America
Santa Ana, CA
$60,000 to replicate a health promotor training program in Chiapas, Mexico.

Corporate Accountability f/b/o Corporate Accountability and Public Participation
Lagos, Nigeria
$30,000 to expand a water rights advocacy coalition that fights water privatization in Africa.  In collaboration with Corporate Accountability.

Development in Gardening
Atlanta, GA
$19,898 to help Batwa communities in Uganda integrate traditional forest foods into their gardening practices and foodways.

Washington, D.C.
$25,000 to help grassroots environmental organizations in the Mekong Delta improve their advocacy campaigns.

Ecumenical Project for International Cooperation, Inc.
Allenspark, CO
$15,000 for field studies of an upland rice varietal in Guatemala that is drought resistant and hurricane tolerant.  In collaboration with la Semilla del Progresso.

Gunung Palung Orangutan Conservation Program
Lexington, MA          
$35,000 to protect orangutans in Indonesia through research, monitoring, and community-led conservation projects.

Instituto de Estudios Ecologistas de Tercer Mundo
Quito, Ecuador           
$33,402 to help communities protect their rights to water in Ecuador with new water monitoring techniques, accountability mechanisms, and advocacy strategies.

International Rivers Network
Berkeley, CA
$35,000 to help grassroots environmental organizations in Africa fight the threats of dams.

Leprosy Mission
Kinshasa, D.R. Congo
$21,772 to eliminate skin diseases in the Democratic Republic of Congo with a screening, education, and treatment campaign in disease hot-spots and compare it to a detection only program.
National University of Mongolia
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
$25,010 to document ecosystem changes due to climate change and overgrazing in the grassland region of Hovsgol, Mongolia.

Occupational Knowledge International
$25,400 to reduce community lead, mercury, and dust exposure by changing mining practices in Cameroon.  In collaboration with CREPD.

One Health and Development Initiative
$13,627 to map the distribution of snail fever in Southwest Nigeria, identify animal/human risk factors, and make recommendations.

Saving Mothers
New York, NY
$30,000 to train nurses how place intrauterine devices and provide family planning services in West Pokot, Kenya.

Ottawa, Canada         
$25,000 to start four seed banking systems in Timor Leste.  In collaboration with RAEBIA Timor Leste and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.  In collaboration with INRAN-Niger, University of Lome-Togo and INRAB-Benin.

SEED Madagascar
London, UK
$24,998 to protect lemurs by creating habitat corridors in the Ste Luce Littoral Forest of Anosy, Madagascar.

Sena Institute of Technology Foundation
Boston, MA
$25,000 to develop a Ghanaian crop database and biospecimen repository to help conserve medicinal and food plants.

Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs for the Environmental Paper Network
Calabasas, CA
$75,000 to support advocacy campaigns in Asia that reduce the demand for unsustainably harvested pulp and paper threatening Indonesian rainforests.

Sumatran Orangutan Society
Abingdon, UK
$30,000 to test satellite monitoring technology that will help Yayasan Orangutan Sumatra Lestari respond to threats of deforestation in the Leuser rainforest of Sumatra, Indonesia.

University of Maryland
College Park, MD
$20,000 to study contamination of rainwater harvesting ponds in Nepal and set up a monitoring and treatment system.  In collaboration with Sanskriti Farms and Research Center and Kathmandu University.

Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Quito, Ecuador
$26,920 to study how light affects the growing cycle of quinoa and evaluate its tolerance to salinity in soils.

University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
Burlington, VT
$30,000 to study sustainable biocontrol for greenhouse vegetables in Lebanon.

University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY
$29,843 to develop sustainable bamboo forestry standards in Ecuador and create a stewardship network.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, VA
$19,000 to study if deforestation increases mosquito-borne diseases in Guatemala.  In collaboration with the Wildlife Conservation Society and Universidad de San Carlos.

Grants 2020

Addis Clinic
Nashville, TN
$25,000 to integrate telemedicine into a community health worker program in Migori County, Kenya.

Agro-Shrub Alliance
Columbus, OH
$7,750 to develop a network of Senegalese farms that demonstrate shrub intercropping that conserves soil and improves yields.

Amazon Watch
Oakland, CA
$30,000 to support the land claims of indigenous communities in Peru and Ecuador and protect the rainforest from oil drilling.

Bank Information Center
Washington, D.C.
$30,000 to help communities in Latin America develops the legal expertise to guard against potential environmental threats of Chinese infrastructure projects.

Borneo Nature Foundation
Palangka Raya, Indonesia
$30,000 to pilot a bioaccoustic orangutan monitoring program in the Mungku Baru Education Forest of Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Vancouver, Canada
$25,000 to support the land claims of indigenous communities and protect ecosystems from extractive industries in Indonesia.  In collaboration with Kelompok Studi dan Pengembangan Prakarsa Masyarakat.

Care 2 Communities
Boston, MA
$20,000 to pilot a program in six community clinics that reduces unwanted pregnancies among young women and girls in Northern Haiti.

Centro de Estudos e Promoção da Agricultura de Grupo (CEPAGRO)
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina – Brasil
$30,000 to develop a network of cover crop demonstration farms and a participatory organic produce certification system covering eight municipalities in Southern, Brazil.

Centro de Investigaciones Para La Transformación
Buenos Aires, Argentina
$30,000 to pilot a collaborative, open-source seed breeding initiative with three farmer networks in Argentina.

Common Ground for Africa
Kitale, Kenya
$25,135 to support bio-intensive mini-farming training program serving 80 villages in Western Kenya during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Concern America
Santa Ana, CA
$15,000 to replicate a health promotor training program in Chiapas, Mexico.

Corporate Accountability f/b/o Corporate Accountability and Public Participation
Lagos, Nigeria
$30,000 to expand a water rights advocacy coalition that fights water privatization in Africa.  In collaboration with Corporate Accountability.

Developing Radio Partners
Washington, D.C.
$30,000 to promote family planning reproductive health through youth-led radio and community outreach campaigns in Malawi.  In Collaboration with Mzati Community Radio and Voice of Livingstonia Radio.

Developing Radio Partners/ Center for Medical Humanities and Ethics at UTEP
Washington, DC
$22,300 to develop health radio programs and support radio listening clubs as part of a network of community health clubs in Burkina Faso.  In collaboration with the Center for Medical Humanities and Ethics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

Washington, D.C.
$25,000 to help grassroots environmental organizations in the Mekong Delta improve their advocacy campaigns.

Eco-Health Alliance
New York, NY
$25,000 to train the government of Bangladesh how to detect and respond to emerging infectious disease outbreaks.

Ecology Action of the Midpeninsula f/b/o ECOPOL
Willits, CA
$25,000 to spread biointensive farming in Latin America.

Face to Face Project
Brooklyn, NY
$30,000 to create 22,000 home gardens in Malawi.

Fiscalía del Medio Ambiente
Santiago, Chile
$30,000 to to help communities in Villarrica, Chiloé, Aysén and Magallanes Chile challenge environmentally destructive industries.

Barcelona, Spain
$30,000 to help a network of grassroots organizations prevent the expansion of oil palm plantations in Central and West Africa.

Gunung Palung Orangutan Conservation Program
Lexington, MA          
$33,100 to protect orangutans in Indonesia through research, monitoring, and community-led conservation projects.

Health Frontiers in Tijuana
Tijuana, Mexico
$30,000 to pilot sexual health videos (vlogs) that help reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections among LGBTQI youth in Tijuana, Mexico. In collaboration with the University of California San Diego and the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California.

Health and Hope
Chorleywood, UK
$17,280 to reduce maternal and infant morbidity and mortality in Western Myanmar.

Hesperian Health Guides
Berkeley, CA
$25,500 to test a phone app that supports reproductive health education and family planning in Rwanda.  In collaboration with the Health Development Initiative, the Rwanda Women’s Network, the Rwanda Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and Medical Students for Choice.

Instituto de Estudios Ecologistas de Tercer Mundo
Quito, Ecuador          
$33,436 to help communities protect their rights to water in Ecuador with new water monitoring techniques, accountability mechanisms, and advocacy strategies.

Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas
Nazaré Paulista, Brazil
$25,000 to pilot a citizen-based biological monitoring project to diagnose threats from mosquito-borne diseases in Sao Paulo State Brazil.  In collaboration with SUCEN and the University of Sao Paulo.

Instituto Pro-Carnivoros
Macapá, Amapá, Brazil
$10,020 to study how new hydroelectric dams and conflict with humans affect giant otter populations in Amapa state, eastern Brazilian Amazon. 

International Crane Foundation
Baraboo, Wisconsin
$25,000 to improve floating rice production in the Ayeyarwady Delta.  In collaboration with Yangon University, Environmental Care and Community Security Association, Mekong Organics, and the Wildlife Conservation Society Myanmar Program.

International Rivers Network
Berkeley, CA
$30,000 to help grassroots environmental organizations in Africa fight the threats of dams.

 Lincoln Park Zoological Society
Chicago, IL
$29,998 to survey pathogens in the Congo Basin using high-throughput sequencing of environmental DNA and reduce health risks to people and apes.  In collaboration with the Wildlife Conservation Society, Congolaise Industrielle des Bois, and the villages of Bomassa, Makao, and Bayanga in the Republic of Congo.

L’Initiative OASIS Niger
Niamey, Niger
$28,377 to evaluate if a group-based pre- and postnatal care program can increase family planning in Niger.

Malaysian Nature Society
Kuala Lumpur, Malasia
$25,414 for a study of the coastal otter population and otter-human conflict in Malaysia. In Collaboration with the Malaysia Otter Network and the Department of Wildlife and National Parks Peninsular Malaysia.

Marine Megafauna Foundation
Truckee, CA
$19,950 to develop a community-led, reef monitoring program in Mozambique.  In collaboration with the Fisheries Research Institute and community fishing councils.

Maya Midwifery International/Association of Midwives of the Mam Speaking Area
Somerville, MA
$25,000 to develop a midwife-led, Mam-language radio program at the ACAM Birth Center in the Guatemalan Highlands.  In collaboration with the Maya Health Alliance, the Population Media Center, and the Guatemalan Federation of Radio Schools.

Olema, CA
$20,000 to support a campaign to recover shark populations in Ecuador.

Natura International
Washington, D.C.
$25,000 to create 1 million acres of new protected areas in Argentina as national or provincial parks.

OMCAR Foundation
Pattukkottai, Tamil Nadu, India
$24,450 to promote sustainable fishing and coastal marine conservation in Palk Bay, India.

Pacific Blue Foundation
San Diego, CA
$30,000 for a coral eating starfish population control program in Fiji’s Bequa Lagoon.

Pacific Environment
San Francisco, CA
$25,000 to help a network of grassroots Chinese environmental advocacy organizations reduce trash and plastic pollution in the Yangtze river.

Rainforest Saver Foundation
Edinburgh, Scotland
$21,028 to investigate variation in crop yields on farms using Inga alley cropping methods and spread the best practices among farmers in Cameroon.  In collaboration with VSD, MUCODEF and the University of Yaoundé.

Renatura Congo
Pointe Noir, Republic of Congo
$23,472 to develop a coastal observer network among 20 villages in the Republic of Congo that promotes conservation.  In collaboration with the African Marine Mammal Conservation Organization.

St. Boniface Haiti Foundation        
Newton, MA  
$30,000 to increase family planning education programs and services in Haiti’s southern peninsula.

Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue
Portland, OR
$18,000 to conduct a wildlife and socioeconomic survey that supports the case to gain protected status of the Sikondi Forest. 

Saving Mothers
New York, NY
$30,000 to train nurses how place intrauterine devices and provide family planning services in West Pokot, Kenya.

Seed Change
Ottawa, Canada    
$25,000 to start four seed banking systems in Timor Leste.  In collaboration with RAEBIA Timor Leste and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.  In collaboration with INRAN-Niger, University of Lome-Togo and INRAB-Benin.

Semilla Nueva
Boise, ID
$30,000 to reduce rates of chronic malnutrition in Guatemala by producing, promoting, and selling biofortified corn seeds.

Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs for the Environmental Paper Network
Calabasas, CA
$25,000 to support advocacy campaigns in Asia that reduce the demand for unsustainably harvested pulp and paper threatening Indonesian rainforests.

Sumatran Orangutan Society
Abingdon, UK
$28,000 to test satellite monitoring technology that will help Yayasan Orangutan Sumatra Lestari respond to threats of deforestation in the Leuser rainforest of Sumatra, Indonesia.

Bad Soden, Germany
$19,000 to develop a system to map and monitor soil salinity and test soil salinity mitigation strategies with local produce farmers in Mozambique

Washington, DC
$20,000 to train 100 organizations during the Covid-19 pandemic how to support Kenyan adolescents on their journey through puberty with an education program that uses comic books.

Grants 2019

Addis Clinic
Nashville, TN
$25,000 to help community health workers in Migori County, Kenya integrate telemedicine into their existing program.

Amazon Conservation Team
Arlington, VA
$20,000 to train indigenous women elders, healers, and traditional knowledge keepers in the Putumayo region how to classify plants and conserve native seeds.  In collaboration with La Asociación de Mujeres Indígenas “La Chagra de la Vida”.

Amazon Watch
Oakland, CA
$25,000 to support the land claims of indigenous communities in Peru and Ecuador and protect the rainforest from oil drilling.

American University of Beirut
Beiruit, Lebanon
$30,000 to develop a system for growing fish and vegetables in greenhouses in Lebanon.

Vancouver, Canada
$25,000 to support the land claims of indigenous communities and protect ecosystems from extractive industries in Indonesia.  In collaboration with Kelompok Studi dan Pengembangan Prakarsa Masyarakat.

Bountifield International
St. Paul, MN
$30,000 to promote peanut harvesting, processing, storage, and marketing techniques at food technology centers in Malawi  and Mozambique.

Centro de Estudos e Promoção da Agricultura de Grupo (CEPAGRO)
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina – Brasil
$25,000 to develop a network of cover crop demonstration farms and a participatory organic produce certification system covering eight municipalities in Southern, Brazil.

Centro de Investigaciones Para La Transformación
Buenos Aires, Argentina
$27,000 to pilot a collaborative, open-source seed breeding initiative with three farmer networks in Argentina.

Developing Radio Partners
Washington, D.C.
$30,000 to promote family planning reproductive health through youth-led radio and community outreach campaigns in Malawi.  In Collaboration with Mzati Community Radio in Mulanje District and Voice of Livingstonia in Mzuzu.

Washington, D.C.
$25,000 to help grassroots environmental organizations in the Mekong Delta improve their advocacy campaigns.

Ecology Action of the Midpeninsula f/b/o ECOPOL
Willits, CA
$25,000 to spread biointensive farming in Latin America.

Eduardo Mondlane University
Maputo, Mozambique
$11,270 to test an agricultural imaging method that uses a digital camera to identify toxic molds growing in groundnuts and maize in Mozambique.

Environmental Rights Action
Lagos, Nigeria
$30,000 for advocacy to keep Lagos Nigeria’s water system public.

Explore Gaia Enterprise (GAIA)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
$15,000 to support hornbill research and conservation in Kinabatangan, Borneo.

Face to Face Project
Brooklyn, NY
$30,000 to create 22,000 home gardens in Malawi.

Fiscalía del Medio Ambiente
Santiago, Chile
$25,000 to to help communities in Villarrica, Chiloé, Aysén and Magallanes Chile challenge environmentally destructive industries.

Global Seed Savers
Denver, CO
$17,000 to promote seed saving among small farmers and develop a seed savers network in Benguet and Cebu provinces in the Philippines.

Barcelona, Spain
$30,000 to help a network of grassroots organizations challenge the expansion of oil palm plantations in Central and West Africa.

Gunung Palung Orangutan Conservation Program
Lexington, MA
$30,000 to protect orangutans in Indonesia through research, monitoring, and community-led conservation projects.

Health Access Connect
Kampala, Uganda
$25,000 to incorporate health promotion and family planning education programs in a rural medical outreach program in Masaka and Kalangana districts in Uganda.

Hispaniola Health Partners
Salisbury, CT
$29,000  to test a large scale diagnostic and treatment program for human papilloma virus, cervical cancer, and breast cancer.  In collaboration with the Centre de Sante Union de Grand Gosier, Innovating Health International, Haiti Sans Cervical Cancer, and the UC Riverside School of Medicine.

Instituto Pro-Carnivoros
Macapá, Amapá, Brazil
$12,500 to study how new hydroelectric dams and conflict with humans affect giant otter populations in Amapa state, eastern Brazilian Amazon.

International Rivers Network
Berkeley, CA
$30,000 to help grassroots environmental organizations in Africa fight the threats of dams.

Instituto de Estudios Ecologistas de Tercer Mundo
Quito, Ecuador
$32,958 to help communities protect their rights to water in Ecuador with new water monitoring techniques, accountability mechanisms, and advocacy strategies.

L’Initiative OASIS Niger
Niamey, Niger
$27,992 to evaluate if a group-based pre- and postnatal care program can increase family planning in Maradi, Niger.

San Pedro, Belize
$33,910 to develop a coastal wildlife monitoring system with the Guna community in Panama and create a marine protected area.

Ocean Outcomes
Portland, OR
$24,065 to help communities develop a sustainable fisheries plan for Poyang Lake in China.  In collaboration with the Tao Ran/Qingdao Marine Conservation Society in China.

Occupational Knowledge International
San Francisco, CA
$25,945 to pilot a safer mining program in Kaye, Konkai and Kambélé in Eastern Cameroon and investigate if the ore processing sites in these communities have contaminated soil and dust in and around homes in these villages.  In collaboration with the Centre de Recherche et d’Education pour le Développement.

OMCAR Foundation
Pattukkottai, Tamil Nadu, India
$20,000  to promote sustainable fishing and coastal marine conservation in Palk Bay, India.

OMID Foundation USA
North Bethesda, MD
$20,000 for peer-led health workshops for women in Afganistan.

Pacific Blue Foundation
San Diego, CA
$23,500 for a coral eating starfish population control program in Fiji’s Bequa Lagoon.

Pacific Environment
San Francisco, CA
$25,000 to help a network of grassroots Chinese environmental advocacy organizations reduce trash and plastic pollution in the Yangtze river.

Boston, MA
$20,000 to increase access to reproductive and maternal child health services with community health workers in Madagascar.

St. Boniface Haiti Foundation
Newton, MA
$30,000 to increase family planning education programs and services in Haiti’s southern peninsula.

St. Louis Zoo
St. Louis, MO
$28,875 To promote the development of a conservation corridor In Missiones Argentina.  In collaboration with the Universidad Nacional de Misiones and the Ministerio de Ecología

Saving Mothers
New York, NY
$30,000 to train nurses how place intrauterine devices and provide family planning services in West Pokot, Kenya.

Semilla Nueva
Boise, ID
$30,000 to reduce rates of chronic malnutrition in Guatemala by producing, promoting, and selling biofortified corn seeds.

SEED Madagascar
London, UK
$25,550 to protect lemurs by creating habitat corridors in the Ste Luce Littoral Forest of Anosy, Madagascar.

Shanti Uganda
Coquitlam, BC, Canada
$20,000 to reduce unwanted and unsafe pregnancies among adolescents and eliminate misconceptions about reproductive health Luwero, Uganda.

Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs for the Environmental Paper Network
Calabasas, CA
$25,000 to support advocacy campaigns in Asia that reduce the demand for unsustainably harvested pulp and paper threatening Indonesian rainforests.

Sumatran Orangutan Society
Abingdon, UK
$20,000 to test satellite monitoring technology that will help Yayasan Orangutan Sumatra Lestari respond to threats of deforestation in the Leuser rainforest of Sumatra, Indonesia.

Texas A&M University
Galveston, TX
$26,111 to study the impact of subsistence fishing in seagrass beds in Oriental Mindoro, Philipines and help the community protect its coastal marine resources.

University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
Burlington, VT
$30,000 to raise predatory mites that help control pests in vegetable greenhouses in Lebanon.  In collaboration with the American University of Beirut.

Wild Forests and Fauna
Seattle, WA
$25,000 to test environmental stewardship strategies that reduce deforestation around the Palorinya Refugee Settlement and the adjacent Era Central Forest Reserve in Uganda.

Wildlife Conservation Society
New York, NY
$29,778 to study how fish biodiversity contributes to nutrition and food security and inform fisheries management and policies in Loreto, Peru.  In collaboration with the Dirrecion Regional de la Produccion, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana, and Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado, and the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology at Columbia University.

Wuqu’ Kawoq
Bethel, VT
$22,000 to test a nutrition education intervention in rural Guatemala to improve children’s growth, diet quality, and cognitive development.

Yale University f/b/o Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative – Yale School of Forestry
New Haven, CT
$28,984 to build a network of model farms in Panama’s La Villa River watershed that promote silvopastoral cattle ranching practices.

Yale University
New Haven, CT
$26,750 to advance phage technology by developing a research network of African scientists. In collaboration with Phages for Global Health, the University of Leicester, and the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences.

Zoological Society of San Diego
San Diego, CA
$24,997 to study the long-term impact of hunting on tropical forest regeneration in southeastern Peru.



January 01 2024 12:00 pm